Creator – Chris Rosenau
Some dreams take longer to speak their story into the world. These cards are a 30 year dream in the making. It began when the fae came to visit me while I was working at Omega Institute in upstate Rhinebeck, New York. I had walked outside to smoke a cigarette when these five glowing balls of different colors came to me and said that I needed me to produce this deck as a way for them to communicate with people.
Over the course of many years the card design grew into the form of a deck that could not only divinate, but also bring alive stories as they communicated with the fae. I worked with a number of different artists and after many months with each they never seemed to hit the mark. Then one beautiful sunny day in New Mexico I was sitting with my friend Kristen Scholfield-Sweet and I shared my vision and story of the cards. She got very excited and we decided to work together on the project. She found herself dreaming about each fae and then making clay masks of each one before she actually got started on drawing and painting each card. Because of this process it ended up taking four years to produce all the cards.
Now thirty years later the dream is coming true. I have waited so long to share these beautiful and magical cards with all of you. I hope each one inspires you to be curious to discover their magical nature and how they can bridge your isolation of human centered learning with living world where the faeries live.
If you work at learning to listen to what the faeries are saying to you; they will open doorways that may root you and connect you to the earth. Helping you to find home in a world that has kept you homeless and left you as an orphan. Half your relatives are waiting to talk to you through these cards and help you remember something your people have forgotten a long long time ago.
The name Facaria means swelling roots. These cards are the swelling roots of remembrance and knowledge that are communicated by those faeries who protect and maintain them.

Artist – Kristen Scholfield-Sweet
The wonderful artist from Whaletown, BC, Canada. A master of water colors, drum making, divining and more.